IS my contributioN tax deductible?

Yes!  JMArts is registered as a non-profit corporation with the State of North Carolina and recognized as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. You can even contribute now online.


For the 2023-24 academic year: President Rose Pate, Vice President Matt Fry, Secretary Rahkie Mateen-Mason, Angie Brady-Andrew, Greg Burriss, JC Harper, Heath Smith and William Ureña. Denise Partin is serving as treasurer, but is not currently a member of the board.

how can my business get involved?

We're always open to suggestions, but many businesses contribute expertise or funding for JMArts events like “Sing and Play;” sponsor student scholarships for JMArts Scholars or the New York Arts Adventure, place an ad in the Playbill for our annual musical, or provide in-kind services to help artists excel. For more information, contact Rose Pate.

can i donate items as well as money?


Absolutely! Our musicians always need instruments, we seek art supplies to supplement our existing inventory, and we often need to borrow props and set items for the annual musical. To check on our current needs, contact Rose Pate.

I have a student at jm. how can i volunteer and stay informed?

To start with, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram, where we post the latest news, information and events. Also, if you send email to Rose Pate, we’ll make sure you stay connected. We’re always looking for people to help with projects and serve on our board.
